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Community service with MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary fills our hearts. It is a place to BE!

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

community service

The Panaro Group Team had our Q3 all-company community service event this week. Wow! This one opened our eyes and filled our hearts!

We served at the MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary in Milwaukee alongside Sister MacCanon Brown herself and her team of angels. Sister is known as the "Mother Teresa of Milwaukee", and she has created what seems impossible. The Sanctuary all started with her vision. Milwaukee is so blessed to have Sister and her team serving the poorest areas of Milwaukee's homeless. We were honored to be apart of it, even in such a small way.

While the neighborhood is a bit rough, we felt safe and were greeted with warmth and appreciation from the minute we arrived. Our team's role was to sort clothing and act as store clerks while people could "shop" for free. The 80+ guests were first come, first served by being given a number when they arrived. They were able to pick up groceries including fresh produce which is grown in the garden across the street. Guests selected toiletries like deodorant, shampoo, and razors for free! All were provided through generous donations.

community service
Sister MacCanon Brown giving us a personal tour

This experience impressed upon us that we must see and acknowledge the homeless with love and respect as valued human beings. Everyone needs a place to BE sometimes. It truly made us appreciate all that we are blessed with in our own lives.

The mission is simple. "MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary provides a place to be, belong and become within a transformational solidarity community--interfaith, nonpartisan, intercultural, and non-canonical--a racially and economically diverse family of hope."

We highly recommend volunteering and donating to support this worthy cause!

More photos below:

community service
Anyone need a bath towel? Yes, please!
community service
Shopping off the rack is much more enjoyable

commuity service
Everyone is happy to have toiletries!
community service
Feeling grateful as guests select food and a free bag lunch

community service
Sister MacCanon Brown is known as the "Mother Teresa of Milwaukee"

community service
The vegetable garden provides nourishment for an otherwise food-starved zip code in Milwaukee

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